About me

Some of my interests include, walking, reading, fishing, financial investing, frugality driven DIY, astrophotography, and urban exploration. And it seems that I also spend too much time exploring on my PC...lol.

I started independent web development four years ago, and haven't looked back. The time has come when I can finally say I am confident enough to get the job done using just about any tech. Given reasonable timeline, a deadline, and documentation, you can set me in motion.

A couple of things I love about coding are those moments when tough projects are complete, or discovering a solution to a difficult problem.

Take a look at my skills, and some of my recent projects.

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Programming Languages & Tools
  • Tailwind CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Express.js
  • Node.js
  • Microservice Arch.
  • Bootstrap
  • React/React Native
  • mySQL
  • MongoDB
  • PM2
  • Web Scrapping
  • Jira/Trello
  • Azure Portal/DevOps
  • Architectural Design/Documentation
  • Docker
  • Wordpress
  • Chrome Developer Tools
  • GitHub/GitLab
  • Banner Advertising
  • HTML Email
  • (some) Phython
  • (some) Angular
  • (some) Linux
  • (some) DevOps
  • (less) AWS Cloud Storage


clickable image of the food searcher application view that links to the live demo

NLP Course Recommender(RESPONSIVE)

React, Redux, Node.js, NLP(AI), Tailwind CSS, Chai, Firebase

This app is a phase 2 poc for creating a natural language processor that recommends career-related classes to college students. It does this by analyzing their current course grades to identify learning gaps and strengths. Based on this analysis, the app generates recommended courses using similarity scores derived from various vectorized data points. NOTE: The demo is in video format to protect the proprietary nature of the proposal.

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clickable image of ecommerce front-end that links to the site's live demo

eCommerce Front-End(RESPONSIVE)

HTML, CSS, CSS Animations

This is a semi-functional, eCommerce front-end(only) site. There is a good chance this will all get placed into React components, and I would also improve the design. The thought was giving this partial app some exposure, might be a good idea.

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clickable image of the food searcher application view that links to the live demo

Nutrition Searcher(RESPONSIVE)

jQuery, JS, Google Maps JS API, HTML, REST APIs, Regex, Materialize

This app is my first group project three months into learning web development. It returns nutritional values for recipes, and calculates the length of time it takes to burn those calories per exercise

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clickable image of the lamborghini site that links to the site's live demo

Angular GPA Calculator(RESPONSIVE)

HTML, CSS, Angular, Material, Flex Layout

This a recent Angular project that I completed for school using the Angular 9 framework. The application stores classes with grades, and calculates GPAs. Use Student IDs (1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, or 1012) to login.

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clickable image of the lamborghini site that links to the site's live demo

Home Remodeling Website(RESPONSIVE)

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery, PHP, Mail Chimp

I built, deployed, and manage Edward Jr. Construction LLC's site under contract through my own media company, MMG LLC.

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clickable image of the lamborghini site that links to the site's live demo

Lambo Details View(NON-RESPONSIVE)

HTML, CSS, CSS Animations

This is a non-functional, non-responsive, more details page that I created(from a mockup) to tryout an animation idea that displays a car image rolling into view.

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clickable image of a gym landing view that links to the live demo


HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Scrolling Background

I had fun building this non-functional landing page, and it's my favorite so far. I'm not particularly impressed by my icons, but that was the designer's choice. Enjoy!

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clickable image of a react task application that links to the live demo

React Task Checklist(NON-RESPONSIVE)

React, HTML, CSS, Session Storage

This is a basic task checklist using React. All tasks are saved in session data storage per its status, so the app is available to use.

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clickable image of the sign-in site that links to the site's live demo

Signup Landing Site(NON-RESPONSIVE)

HTML, CSS, CSS Animations

This is a non-functional, and basic, landing page that I created on a whim to tryout an animation idea for bubbles. I ended up liking it enough to add it here. I hope that you like it as well.

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clickable image of an a system reference architectural diagram that links to the live demo

Prescriptive Reference Architecture

This is a basic software system reference architecture diagram depicting a microservice, and MVC architectural pattern and style respectively. Although creating architecture diagrams is not my favorite task, it is a handy value add.

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Here are some nice things people have said about me

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I'm always looking for opportunities.